Since 2012, I have been seeing the same acupuncturist. She is an angel in human form. Each year, she challenges me to choose a word of the year. Sometimes I …
Mindfulness coaching for radical self-care and acceptance.
I know I did when I was a teenager. Then, I was blessed with guides and teachers who helped show me the way back – to myself.
It led me to become a guide myself for others. If you’re here, life might not be as recognizable as it used to be. But, if you have faith, I promise, it can become something beautiful again.
Your teen can learn to connect their mind and body through lifestyle changes and mindfulness. Through my spiritually based mindfulness program, they will be introduced to powerful routines that last. Learning skills to care for their minds and bodies set them up for a life well-lived.
As a teen myself, I craved a program like this. One where I could understand the world a little better and connect to the magic in life by honoring a higher power, however, in my own inner way.
Meet Balanceology! We balance each area of your life to bring rooted values back in the forefront while honoring each part of what makes you, YOU. For teens, it’s a program meant to bring deep cleansing to their relationship with themselves and create a new framework that positively supports their dreams in life.
Identity develops throughout our lifetime. For the first time in life adolescents are fully aware of these changes. Meanwhile, self-esteem and self-conceptions are fluctuating for many. They begin to consider not just where they come from but where they are going and who they are in the grand scheme of life.
Our culture puts a high price on doing and accomplishing. So much so that we have forgotten how to just “be.” We have to remember that we are worthy simply by being.
“The ability to hold something we’ve done or failed to do up against who we want to be is incredibly adaptive, yet uncomfortable.” Brene Brown Being in alignment with who …
Mindful living is the practice of bringing awareness and presence to the present moment. It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations in a non-judgmental way, and cultivating …